This week’s give away – BlackBerry PlayBook

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I get my hands on some incredibly awesome technology and I often wonder what is the best way to distribute it to my audience, after I’ve reviewed it or otherwise. is going to start giving away technology  to subscribers of our free weekly newsletter, “Small Business Technology Report“. If you are NOT a subscriber, by participating in the give away, we’ll automatically add you to receive the Small Business Technology Report.

How can you participate?

I’ll post the tech give away opportunity through Facebook and Twitter (also to my network on LinkedIn).  To enter the “contest”:

1. Answer questions in the form below.

2. The winning entry will receive the tech item. Pretty simple.

I’m looking for thoughtful contribution (quality over quantity) to the question posed in the form below and I want the technology to go to small business owners and/or entrepreneurs who can really use it.

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Any questions?