Turning Engaged Prospects into Profitable Customers
featuring Wendy Lowe, Director of Product Marketing, Campaigner

As you build and grow an email list you need to keep these key prospects interested and engaged in order to turn them into long term customer relationships. You need to effectively and efficiently nurture strong relationships, reward your loyal customers, involve them in promotions, and solicit their feedback to improve customer service and to fuel new product development.

In this webinar we talked about how to keep your prospects interested. The better the email content the more likely you are to be able to maintain permission to keep emailing and nurturing. For example:

  • Rather than focusing on a “buy now” message, provide valuable, educational, and/or informative content on a regular basis.
  • Provide them with options to try your products or to find out more about what you’re offering.
  • Run targeted campaigns to attract and win back customers.
  • Promote loyalty reward programs, and referral incentives using forward-to-a-friend features.

This presentation was packed with real life examples and solid advice, like these Tips for Engaging Customers:

  1. Welcome Email Touch Program
  2. Newsletters
  3. Periodic Promotional Mailings
  4. Transactional emails to add value
  5. Loyalty Programs
  6. Referral Programs
  7. Contests
  8. Surveys and follow-through
  9. Multiple Touch Points
  10. Transparency

To view a recording of the webinar, click below.

Download the presentation slides here.

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