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Editorial Editorial team. Striving to publish news, insights, and interviews focused on technology and more for growing businesses!
436 Articles

Lessons Small Business Learned Later

This month commemorates the second anniversary of Covid-19, which brought the globe

Editorial Editorial

4 Types of Digital Scanning Solutions for Business 

Business operations need to run smoothly, and investing in digital scanning solutions

Editorial Editorial

What Is Blockchain’s True Impact on Businesses?

Think again if you believe blockchain technology will not influence your organization.

Editorial Editorial

Intelligent Automation: It’s All About Your People

Intelligent automation (IA) is a collection of technologies used to automate white-collar

Editorial Editorial

4 Benefits of Adding Solar Batteries to Your Solar Power System

Solar batteries make the use of solar panels more efficient and easy

Editorial Editorial

Three Recession Risk-Mitigation Strategies

A recession is on its way, and although it is unlikely to

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Retention of Employees Requires Technology

It's no secret that firms are still recovering and implementing retention tactics

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What Is Call Tracking?

Call tracking or monitoring may be a handy tool for small companies

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4 Business and Tech Trends to Watch This Year

Corporations shifted their attention from uncertainty to agility, seeking to capitalize on

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Why Do Your NPS and CSAT Matter? Because Your Clients Care

Business metrics such as NPS and CSAT may help you understand how

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