
Everyone’s Improving Their Design – Are You? Lessons from FreshBooks.

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Companies who are hyper-focused on their customers are in a constant state of re-design. If you look at Uber App, Google and so many other apps and services we use daily – you’ll notice they’re constantly getting better and event. Even Microsoft Windows 10 is always updating and upgrading itself with better design.

While some-times we don’t like designs, or don’t like them initially – overall – upgrading our look and feel is important.

What about you?

Are you analyzing your digital design, your retail store design and more to ensure it’s looking as good as it can and serving your customers as best as

Recently FreshBooks updated its interface to make it easier for customers.

They had 3 objectives:

Objective #1—Simple Product
Objective #2—Natural Collaboration
Objective #3—Faster Product Improvements

Lessons for you? Be in constant awareness of the need for better design.


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Ramon Ray, founder and editor Smart Hustle Magazine. Entrepreneur, best selling author and global keynote speaker.