
Nine Better Ways to Communicate Your Commitment to Data Privacy

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In today’s technology-driven society, data breaches are a common concern among online users and companies alike. What’s one way companies can communicate their commitment to data protection to their customers?

These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs.

1. Two-Factor Authentication

Having people log in with their mobile phones is a great way to ensure that systems are well protected. It’s a key that most people will always have with them and not something easy to hack or duplicate. – Nicole MunozStart Ranking Now


2. Transparency

Make sure the communication with your online users is short and simple to understand. An overcomplicated message generates confusion and concern. Tell your customers in a clear way what the data is used for and how you are protecting it. – Duran InciOptimum7

3. Whitepapers

One way would be to create and publish a whitepaper on the topic. Make it complete and comprehensive, including how privacy is approached, what you’re specifically doing to protect consumer info, as well as how you’re complying with current regulations. – Andrew SchrageMoney Crashers Personal Finance

4. Social Engineering Prevention

The most common cause of data breaches isn’t actually software exploits. More often than not, hackers use social engineering to trick unassuming supervisors to share information. In order to avoid this, and in order to indicate to your clients that you avoid this, it’s important to make sure access to login information is as limited as possible. If you can, try to keep everything in-house. – Bryce WelkerCrush The LSAT

5. Website and Data Security Communication

Your brand should be synonymous with privacy and security. One way to go about doing this is to encrypt your website with a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate. Browsers like Google Chrome will begin marking sites that have no SSL encryption as ‘not secure’ in the address bar of the browser. You do not want to be ‘that guy’ and lose business by telling visitors that their data isn’t secure. – Jared WeitzUnited Capital Source Inc.

6. Data Collection Assurance

As a rule, any time a company asks customers for their information online, that company should disclose how that information will be used and protected. Wherever data is retrieved via a website is an opportunity to assure customers their data is secure. – Sean HarperKin Insurance

7. Communication

Your businesses philosophy about data protection should be cohesive with your overall business ethos. This should be clearly communicated in easily understood language in your ‘about’ section. At a high level, it should be pretty clear to users if and why their information would be shared, how it’s being protected and whether this is a high priority for your organization. – Baruch LabunskiRank Secure

8. Proactive Messaging and Action

Announcing security concerns periodically, and taking proactive measures to communicate actual security investments and actions can go a long way to increase customer comfort. If your clients first hear of a vulnerability or breach from your company, and in the same message you indicate what steps you have taken, or they can take, to remedy the situation, it builds trust. – Joe BeccaloriInteract Marketing

9. GDPR Regulations

The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) recently went into effect, imposing strict new regulations on the use of sensitive customer data and the responsibilities of business in the event of a breach. Follow the lead of Microsoft: adopt these principles for customers worldwide. Share with customers how their information is being used and protected. Use compliance with GDPR to build trust with your customers. – Thomas SmaleFE International

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Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members represent nearly every industry, generate billions of dollars in revenue each year, and have created tens of thousands of jobs.