
Slack’s New Design Makes Work Less Chaotic

9 Min Read

In a world where digital communication has become essential for businesses, Slack has emerged as a leading team chat app. However, as the Salesforce-owned company expanded its offerings to include features like alerts, file storage, and knowledge bases, the app became cluttered and difficult to navigate. Slack recognized the need for change and embarked on its biggest redesign ever, aiming to make the app more user-friendly and efficient for its heaviest users.

When users first load Slack after the redesign, they will be greeted by a new Home section that resembles the existing interface. This section displays channels, direct messages (DMs), and apps, providing users with a familiar starting point. However, the real changes begin with the introduction of a new sidebar on the left side of the screen.

One notable addition to the sidebar is the new DMs section, which resembles messaging and email apps. It consolidates all conversations, allowing users to manage their chats from various channels and workspaces in one place. This new feature simplifies communication and enhances productivity.

Further down the sidebar, Slack introduces an Activity window that acts as a “unified inbox.” This window displays all messages, mentions, and reactions across all of a user’s Slack workspaces. Similar to consolidating emails into a single timeline, this feature allows employees to catch up on important updates at the start of their day. With more context and focus, users can navigate through their work more efficiently.

Noah Weiss, Slack’s chief product officer, explains that the redesign aims to organize users’ different modes of work rather than types of objects. These modes include catching up on activity, responding to inbound messages, triaging and responding to various tasks, and following up on to-do lists. By categorizing work in this way, Slack provides users with a clearer and more intuitive workflow.

To accommodate the needs of users who prefer a more chaotic work style, Slack has also reworked its multi-windowing system. This system enables users to have multiple views open simultaneously, allowing for a more flexible and personalized workspace.

One of the main challenges Slack users face is keeping track of activity across multiple channels. To address this, Slack has introduced several tools and improvements.

Slack has improved its workflow for saving content, making it easier for users to find and use the “save for later” functionality. The redesigned app features a dedicated Later menu in the sidebar, where users can quickly save messages, files, or other important information. Users can then add reminders or check off items when they’re finished, ensuring that nothing important falls through the cracks.

Slack has made it easier for users to access the Huddles video chat feature by placing it in the top-right corner of every chat window. This convenient placement encourages more frequent use of video communication, improving collaboration among team members. Additionally, users can create new canvases directly from the left sidebar, providing a seamless experience for brainstorming and ideation.

With this redesign, Slack is redefining its purpose beyond being just a messaging app. Instead, it aims to become the operating system for users’ work, offering a cross-platform and all-encompassing space where all work-related activities occur. Chat is now just one tab among many, as Slack expands its capabilities to support a wide range of productivity features and integrations.

Noah Weiss emphasizes that Slack will continue to release new features and push the boundaries of what a messaging tool can offer. As Slack incorporates generative AI technology and introduces automation capabilities, it strives to future-proof its product and stay ahead of industry trends. The goal is to empower users with a comprehensive platform that streamlines their work processes and enhances productivity.

The redesigned Slack interface not only improves the user experience but also paves the way for future developments. As Slack continues to innovate, it envisions a product that goes beyond messaging, becoming an indispensable tool for businesses worldwide. With its global reach and commitment to diversity, Slack is poised to transform how teams collaborate and communicate in the digital age.

In conclusion, Slack’s biggest redesign to date aims to tame the chaos of the workday by providing users with a more intuitive and streamlined experience. With a new sidebar, enhanced organization features, and improved workflows, Slack empowers users to stay on top of their work and collaborate more effectively. By reimagining itself as an operating system for work, Slack sets the stage for future innovations and further solidifies its position as a leader in the industry.

See first source: The Verge

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What prompted Slack to embark on its biggest redesign?

Slack recognized that its expanded offerings were leading to a cluttered and difficult-to-navigate app. The redesign aimed to create a more user-friendly and efficient experience for heavy users.

2. What are the key changes introduced in Slack’s redesign?

The redesign introduces a new Home section, a consolidated DMs section, an Activity window for unified updates, improved multi-windowing, enhanced content saving, easy access to video chat, and more seamless brainstorming capabilities.

3. How does Slack’s redesign enhance communication and collaboration?

The redesign simplifies communication by consolidating conversations from various channels and workspaces in the DMs section. It also streamlines workflows, making it easier to catch up on updates, respond to messages, triage tasks, and follow up on to-do lists.

4. How does Slack aim to redefine its purpose with this redesign?

Slack aims to become more than just a messaging app. It seeks to be the operating system for users’ work, offering a comprehensive space where all work-related activities occur, including messaging, productivity features, and integrations.

5. How does the redesigned Slack interface benefit users?

The redesigned interface improves user experience, enhances organization, and supports future developments. It empowers users to stay on top of their work, collaborate effectively, and navigate through their tasks more efficiently.

6. How is Slack incorporating AI and automation into its platform?

Slack is incorporating generative AI technology and introducing automation capabilities to future-proof its product and stay ahead of industry trends. This enhances the platform’s ability to streamline work processes and boost productivity.

7. What is Slack’s vision for the future of work?

Slack envisions itself as an indispensable tool beyond messaging, transforming how teams collaborate and communicate in the digital age. It aims to continue innovating and providing a comprehensive platform for businesses worldwide.

8. How does Slack’s commitment to diversity play a role in its transformation?

Slack’s commitment to diversity reflects in its global reach and influences how it designs its platform to cater to a wide range of users and work styles.

9. What is the overarching goal of Slack’s redesign and future developments?

The overarching goal is to provide a more intuitive, streamlined, and powerful platform that helps users manage their work efficiently, collaborate seamlessly, and adapt to evolving work trends and technologies.

10. How does Slack’s redesign solidify its position in the industry?

Slack’s redesign demonstrates its dedication to improving user experience and adapting to the changing needs of its users. By staying at the forefront of innovation, Slack continues to be a leader in the team chat app space.

Featured Image Credit: Rubaitul Azad; Unsplash; Thank you!

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