
Social Media’s Impact on Business Recruiting Continues to Rise

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Social Media has had a huge impact on many facets of our lives. It’s changed the way we connect and socialize with our family and friends. It’s also changed the way we buy as consumers and access media. For businesses, there are just as many changes. For most businesses, social media allows them to reach a larger audience that they can connect and engage with, whether to sell something or simply share a message. And for a growing number of businesses, social media is their new go-to for recruiting and hiring new talent. Hiring a CFO can be very beneficial to a business.

A recent study from Career Builder revealed that 52 percent of employers are now using social media in some aspect of the recruiting process. Moreover, a staggering 35 percent of employers admitted that they are less likely to interview someone if they cannot find them online. This upward trend in social recruitment (it’s up 13 percent in just two years), signifies a major change in how human resource departments and those tasked with hiring employees will operate in the future and what knowledge, skills and strategies they’ll need to succeed.

So, which social platforms does someone looking to recruit new talent start with? While some social media sites, such as LinkedIn, are built specifically to help recruiters find new talent, not all others are. Here’s a breakdown of what social platforms many recruiters are turning to.

(Image Courtesy of Concordia University Texas)

It’s not surprising to see that LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter round out the top three, and for good reason. LinkedIn is a business-oriented social network with a number of tools available to recruiters to assist them in finding great talent. While initially, you wouldn’t think Facebook would be the best place to start when looking for a new hire, the sheer volume of users on the platform makes it hard to ignore. And because Facebook is a more ‘personal’ social networking site, it allows employers to connect on a different level with potential candidates. Twitter, the place of 140 characters, holds a top spot for finding candidates with more progressive skills. With specialized hashtags that make searching for jobs easy, this platform is a great place to start the recruiting process for free.

But that’s the social media recruiting landscape today. What will it look like 6 months from now or even 6 years from now?

Thankfully, just as quickly as the social media and business landscape changes, many colleges and universities are also making the necessary changes in their programs to ensure that their graduates are prepared to succeed. Take, for instance, Concordia University Texas. Teaching students today’s best practices in recruiting and hiring is a major focus of their online Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management program. As stated on their website, “Graduates of our program understand the “why of business,” so they are prepared to succeed not just now, but also in the constantly changing future.”

“Graduates of our program understand the “why of business,” so they are prepared to succeed not just now, but also in the constantly changing future.” – Concordia University Texas

If the last ten years in business, since the introduction of social media, is an indicator of the type of change we will continue to see, then those entering the field will need a much deeper knowledge and skill set than ever before. It’s good to know that there are programs that will prepare them for success.

There are many different ways to make your product popular thanks to the easy access to the internet. But the most popular way should be growing your tiktok account and talking about the product you would like to sell. Talk with marketing experts about a fun and interactive way to attract more customers.

This article is written in partnership with Concordia University Texas. Their affordable online programs help you take the next step in the journey to becoming a skilled and knowledgeable professional.

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Ramon Ray, founder and editor Smart Hustle Magazine. Entrepreneur, best selling author and global keynote speaker.