
5 Apps to Fire Up Your Productivity in 2019

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There has been an explosion of mobile applications in recent times, coinciding with the expansion and developments in the digital marketplace. As a result, companies of all sizes, in all industries and in every country have begun to hire app developers to create mobile applications that can increase engagement with their customers. These efforts allow them to market their products in a way which relates to the modern consumer

There are only 24 hours in a day. You can’t buy more time, but you can make better use of the time you have. Being more productive isn’t hard, but it does take effort and the right tools. Here are 5 apps we love to help you fire up your productivity as you charge into 2019:


Asana is a popular and easy to use project management tool. The app was created to “help humanity thrive by enabling all teams to work together effortlessly.” The tool was designed by two former Facebook executives to improve internal productivity by streamlining how an organization tracks a project’s status and updates, allowing small business owners to manage important tasks and goals in one place. Asana sends users automated emails when new tasks are assigned, when the task is due, as well as daily or weekly task tracker updates. It’s free for teams of up to 15 people. Their only paid plan runs at under $10/month and allows for unlimited team members, unlimited dashboards, priority support, data export, and admin controls. Asana also integrates well with other applications such as Gmail, Google Drive, Slack, and Microsoft Teams.

Email Automation

Email is a black hole. The thought of opening your inbox in the morning to 2,000 unread emails is daunting. But, email doesn’t have to take up so much time in your day! You can use the features already built into your email service provider to give yourself back some precious time. Nearly all email clients like Gmail, Apple Mail, and Outlook have filters and rules that can make your inbox so much more manageable.

  • Set a rule to automatically flag or star all client emails so they stand out.
  • Add a rule that labels and archives all notification emails from marketing platforms, social media, and online business tools.
  • Create a rule based on subject line keywords to identify new clients or prospective customers so you can reply to those emails first.

Upwork (Outsourcing)

Productive people know that time is money. If you’re spending time doing tasks you’re either not good at or don’t enjoy, maybe it’s time to consider outsourcing some of those tasks so you can focus on what you do best and why you started your business in the first place—to do what you love. A great place to get started is hiring freelancers through an app like Upwork. Your first step could be hiring a freelance virtual assistant to cope with the growing needs of your business. Don’t spend hours doing something you aren’t qualified for when you could hire someone to do it for you in half the time.


How much time have you wasted at work because you couldn’t remember a password to a site that requires 18 characters, an upper- and lower-case letter, 3 numbers, the blood of your firstborn, and a special character?  Let the password reset process begin…again. You are wasting precious minutes that add up with reattempt after reattempt to no avail and it’s killing your productivity. In 2019, it’s time for an upgrade. If you’re looking to increase productivity this year, give an app like LastPass a try. It keeps track of hundreds of strong, unique passwords without breaking the bank. Unlike other pay-for products in the same market, LastPass allows you to sync an unlimited number of passwords across your devices for free. This simple browser extension could be saving you so much time.


Getting organized can tremendously increase your productivity. With EverNote, you can do just that. Sync your notes across all of your devices and share even whole notebooks with coworkers and colleagues. You’ll never have to lose time searching for a dropped sticky note or lost notebook. Your desk will thank you too because you will finally be able to finally clear off the stacks of notes and folders.  Evernote has a ton of helpful features to help you keep track of everything you could possibly need to write down or remember for later. You can add photos, voice notes, attach files, create a to-do list, set reminders. EverNote does offer a free version, but it’s pretty bare bones and you’d be much better served by signing up for one of their pay-for plans. They offer individual plans starting at $34.99/year and Business plans at $12 per person/month.

Looking for other ways to stay productive in 2019? Check this, out.

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Katherine Mines is a content writer and regular contributor to She is a U.S. Air Force veteran who leverages her personnel, manpower, and professional writing experience to help small businesses owners succeed. Her passion for helping businesses informed on the latest tech and trends shines through in the expert industry coverage she provides.