
5 Automation Tools That Will Improve Office Productivity

4 Min Read

Busy sales and marketing pros know how to use technology to their advantage.

The best and brightest don’t let themselves get bogged down in admin tasks like reading and answering emails or scheduling meetings. They put technology to work for them and automate the tasks that eat away at precious minutes that could be better spent.

What’s their secret? Having the right tools.

By using software to automate tedious tasks that don’t directly impact their bottom line, they can focus more on closing more deals.

Here are five tools you can use to help you be more productive and become a sales superstar.

  Automation Apps to Increase Productivity

  1. Docusign

Getting everyone together to sign a contract can be difficult. When multiple people need to review and sign documents to start work, Docusign makes it easy. Simply create and upload your documents, then send to everyone that needs to review and sign. Esignatures are legally binding, and everyone gets a signed copy when the process is complete. Integrates with popular software including Salesforce and Google.

  2. Calendly

Tired of the back-and-forth when trying to schedule meetings with a prospect? Calendly lets you provide a link to make scheduling a breeze. Your potential client or client can pick a time from the open slots and include relevant details. Integrates with various calendar apps so no one misses an appointment.

  3. Mixmax

Email makes it easy to stay in touch, but keeping up with it can be impossible. Mixmax is a Gmail-based productivity tool that allows you to outsmart your quota by enhancing, automating, personalizing the email communications required to build your sales pipeline.

Features include:

  • Email Tracking: Check and see when and who opens your emails.

  • One-Click Scheduling: Share availability instantly.

  • Automated Follow-ups: Create templates and automated drip campaigns.

  • CRM Integrations: Update information instantly in Salesforce and LinkedIn SalesNavigator.

  • Workflow: Automate manual tasks that take away your focus from engaging customers.

  4. IFTTT

IFTTT is automation software on steroids. The best part? It’s free! Your imagination is the only limit to what IFTTT can do. The software uses “recipes” to automate tasks and connect your apps and devices.

Though the learning curve is steep, once you understand how to create your own recipes you can automate everything from work to pizza delivery.

Sample recipes for sales pros include:

  5. RescueTime

We all have the same amount of hours in the day. It’s how we use them that makes the difference. While not technically an automation tool, RescueTime automatically tracks how you spend your time on your phone and computer throughout the day. Once you know where your day is going, you can make a plan to cut out those tasks which are eating into your productivity.

  Take Back Your Time With These Tools

Your productivity (or lack of) is on you. By using the tools mentioned above, you’ll be able to save time on email, paperwork, and everything in between.

Start by learning where you’re wasting the most time. Then give these tools a spin and you’ll find out just how easy it is to squeeze value out of every moment of the day.

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Matt Shealy is the President of Chamber specializes in helping small businesses grow their business on the web while facilitating the connectivity between local businesses and more than 7,000 Chambers of Commerce worldwide. As a seasoned entrepreneur and business leader, Matt’s focused on helping businesses leverage technology and the internet to grow.