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Intelligent Automation: It’s All About Your People

7 Min Read
Intelligent automation (IA) is a collection of technologies used to automate white-collar knowledge labor. Machine learning has arrived.

Intelligent automation (IA) is a collection of technologies used to automate white-collar knowledge labor. Machine learning has arrived.

Intelligent automation can increase productivity, accuracy, and compliance while decreasing costs and enhancing staff morale and customer happiness.

Bringing IA into your firm is a people-centered strategic business change, not a technological project. You need top-level sponsorship to get the change started, the necessary skills to make it work, and the support and buy-in of employees at all levels of the organization to assure long-term success.

High-Level Management

Senior management endorsement helps to define the automation goal for the whole organization. They release the cash and resources required to expand the project fast.

Your IA transformation has limits in scale without top-level backing, maybe to one department. Confining your automation project to an organizational silo will likely under perform and fail to realize its full potential. Consequently, resulting in a vicious loop in terms of getting funds and talent for the next step of the roadmap.

With top management buy-in and enterprise-level vision, on the other hand, you’ll be capable of launching a deep-impact, highly-increased pilot. That is to say, quickly access the funding and resources needed to scale, unlocking the synergies and economies of scale that come with end-to-end organization-wide intelligent automation pipelines.

Automation Talent

The proper personnel is critical to the success of your IA transformation; therefore, begin forming your team as early as possible in the process. This offers them a feeling of ownership over the project. They have knowledge of its history from the start, which will be helpful as the project continues into its latter phases.

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Form an IA leadership committee to supervise the transition and an IA center of excellence (CoE) to execute and deliver it. The leadership committee is in charge of overseeing the transition and developing the vision, business case, and strategy. Top management from all company departments engaged in the transformation should be present.

The CoE is accountable to the leadership committee. It is in charge of carrying out the IA plan, creating and managing all of the policies, frameworks, and typical assets required for the transformation, and discovering further possibilities for innovation. The expertise necessary for the CoE is diversified and not only technical. You may encompass developers, architects, data scientists, testers, machine learning experts, data engineers, and IT and systems professionals on the technical side. However, it is also critical to involve experts in operations, risk management, change management, communication, and training.

Data Science

Because intelligent automation and data science are rapidly emerging industries, it might be challenging to discover the proper people via external recruiting. Don’t depend too much on short-term external consultants. You’ll need people to remain around beyond the first implementation phase to maintain your IA infrastructure and grow and enhance it as technology changes and new automation possibilities emerge.

Consider internal hiring and upskilling current employees. I’ve seen organizations effectively discover 60% of the essential talent in this manner. Existing workers already have domain knowledge and business loyalty. In certain circumstances, teaching them technical skills may be more beneficial than bringing outsider specialists. Moreover, to bring up to speed on your organization’s unwritten understanding.

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Develop a process to find internal candidates interested in and capable of contributing to your IA transformation. Indeed, arrange communities, games, and contests that test the needed or relevant abilities. That is to say, give speeches and seminars on automation-related themes from external specialists.

Your Employees and Automation

The mindset of your whole staff has a significant influence on the continuing success and impact of your IA transformation.

Do your most junior employees regard intelligent automation as a danger that will replace them and force them out of the workforce? Or do they view it as a chance to supplement and strengthen themselves while freeing up time to focus on creative or relationship work?

The appropriate approach to training and education may lead to widespread adoption of automation inside a corporation. The road ahead will be considerably easier if your human staff accepts and works with your digital workforce rather than against it.

Employees totally on board with automation may even be encouraged to seek out chances for further automation in their day-to-day duties. Although very few whole professions are automatable, many jobs have a significant number of automatable activities. Your employees are the experts on what they do daily. They are in the best position to identify these automatable tasks in their work. Indeed, they learn what types of jobs lend themselves well to automation. They may even help train and develop the automation programs that will become their assistants using low-code and no-code technologies. This may enable individuals to become authors of the change and aid in integrating IA into your organization’s culture.

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You can extend the capacity beyond the limited number of highly experienced individuals. Using your CoE, this democratization of IA may also boost your IA transformation’s scope, pace, and effect.

Everyone benefits if your employees realize that automation may free them from arduous and repetitive jobs. IA allows them to undertake more meaningful, higher value-add work that raises their market worth. Your business acknowledges and rewards this.

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