
How To Get Quality Traffic To Your Website in 90 Days or Less

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Do you want to get quality traffic to your website? Well, you’re in the right place. Startup websites and blogs make several mistakes in their marketing plan. You see, a blog is just one of the client acquisition sources.

cheapest way to drive traffic

Based on the Agora Model, clients move from social sites to blogs. Then they may download a valuable resource to become a qualified lead.

This means you have to focus on marketing your blog to social sites! Yes, that’s how to grow to the first 1K visits a month.

Blog Traffic Killers

You know that the cheapest way to increase traffic to a website is to use free social channels. Here are some blog traffic killers.

Fewer Views on YouTube

YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google. And in fact, Video marketing outperforms text, audio, and slides by far. So, you need a small community on YouTube. If you publish the content customers want consistently, you will soon refer YouTube traffic to your blog.

Low Engagement on Facebook

Facebook is still a good marketing channel for B2C and D2C businesses. Consumer businesses like eCommerce, Amazon FBA, Dropshipping, and some coaching programs ought to produce valuable videos for their community. You can create a Facebook group, which serves the interests of your target clients. To keep users engaged and make emotional rather than logical posts.

Low Twitter Engagement

Omni-channel marketers should also have a Twitter account. First, for omnipresence, and secondly, for listening to consumer feedback. A good Twitter marketing plan can make your product trend for specific hashtags and locations. To get engagement, get followers manually and create valuable Twitter threads. If you ever want to boost responses, you’ll also need influencer marketing as your Twitter marketing plan.

Hidden Gems on Homepage

Most businesses have case studies, irrevocable proof, and success stories of their product. Others have utility tools, eBooks, calculators, and white papers, posted on their blog page. It’s common sense to bring focus to this valuable content on your homepage so it sends traffic to your blog. But very few people do it. If you have a video tutorial, for example, place it on the hero section, rather than near the CTA.

Weak Value Proposition

If you’re an AWS partner, you know the main problems customers want to be solved are reducing cloud costs and improving security. These keywords will bring you the most traffic compared to getting compliant. Use tools like AnswerThePublic to get main keywords and related keywords for your blog. These will be more meritorious than a press release of a recent hire who is ‘supposed to grow your blog.

Blog Traffic Boosters

The cheapest way to drive quality traffic to a website is to use one of these traffic boosters.

Boost Your Domain Authority to 40 and Outrank Competition

Begin by identifying SEO Competitors you’d want to outrank. Check their domain authority using the Moz SEO tool. If you’re in a specialized niche, chances are most or all of your competitor page authorities will be below 40. This could mean they have a low number of backlinks from highly authoritative sites. You can use freelance content writers to help with blog outreach and link building. In 6-12 months, you’ll start to see your articles’ rankings. And as they rank, your blog traffic will increase.



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Increase Page Speed on Mobile

Take the Google Page speed insights test. You may notice that your website loads faster on desktop than mobile. However, more traffic is now on mobile. Optimize for mobile using the AMP plugin for WordPress. Also, minimize code and image sizes.

While doing your content optimization efforts, ensure you do not affect User Experience. Indeed, SEO is all about writing for humans. As you write for humans, you optimize for search engines.

If your article goes live, ensure that all share buttons, links, and images are working on both mobile and desktop. Don’t hit publish.

How to Get Quality Traffic to Your Website

Increasing conversion rates is the hardest part. Getting traffic is the easiest part. There are a lot of job seekers and active Internet surfers. At a cheap price, you can use tools and bots to spam your article on almost every social media platform. This will get you temporary spikes as well. However, it’s what’s called weak traffic.

To get quality traffic, you have to do thorough research about your customers. You have to write about what your customers want. Also, you have to solve real problems, and even get permission to share the article. Your article has to be unique, based on real-life experience, not something found on typical Internet advice.

Everyone is looking for the cheapest way to drive traffic. And that’s the process we use. It almost always yields traffic with high intent. Certainly, some people ask: “Is Facebook good for B2B Marketing?” Even on Facebook, you can get traffic that’s likely to reap your recurring revenue for years.

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Guru Lwanga is author of the 3 Tested Tips To SCALE CONTENT MARKETING. He takes pride in work well done, and when he's not doing anything else, he reveals insights on CopyTecher blog.