
US Recession? Most Small Businesses Agree

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The state of the US economy has been a topic of concern and speculation among small business owners. A recent survey conducted by the National Federation of Independent Business revealed that more than half of small business owners believe the economy is already in a recession. This perception persists despite positive indicators of economic strength and the overall financial health of small businesses. In this article, we will delve into the survey findings, examine the impact of the perceived recession on small businesses, and explore the broader economic outlook.

The Perception of a Recession

According to the survey, 52% of small business owners believe that the US economy is already in a recession. This figure represents a slight decrease from the 55% reported in April. It is important to note that this perception does not align with the broader signs of economic strength that have been observed across various sectors. Retail sales have been robust, and spending on services has been on the rise, indicating positive consumer behavior. Furthermore, small businesses themselves have reported strong financial conditions, with more than two-thirds of firms rating their financial state as “excellent” or “good.”

Financial Conditions of Small Businesses

Small businesses remain optimistic about their own financial conditions, despite concerns about the overall economy. Over two-thirds of all firms surveyed reported that their financial state was “excellent” or “good.” This positive sentiment is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of small businesses, as they navigate through challenging economic times. Consumer spending has surpassed expectations, contributing to the overall strength of small businesses.

Local Economic Outlook

Small businesses are closely tied to their local economies, and their perceptions of the local economic outlook can provide valuable insights. The survey revealed that 80% of firms reported that their local economy was at least “okay.” While this figure represents a slight decline since April, it still suggests a relatively healthy local economic environment. This indicates that small businesses may have a more positive outlook for their immediate surroundings compared to the broader national economy.

Optimism in the Banking Sector

The survey also explored small businesses’ views on the health of the banking sector. Interestingly, small business owners displayed increased optimism regarding the banking sector, despite concerns stemming from recent bank failures. In April, only 31% of owners were not concerned about the health of their bank. However, in the latest survey, over half of all owners expressed no concern at all. This shift in sentiment reflects a recovery in confidence within the banking sector.

Impact of Federal Reserve Policies

One of the major concerns for small businesses has been the increased cost of borrowing due to the Federal Reserve’s tightening policies. Since March 2022, the Federal Reserve has implemented 525-basis points worth of tightening, leading to higher borrowing costs. The majority of firms that have borrowed or attempted to borrow since April have identified the increased cost of borrowing as their greatest source of concern. Small businesses rely on affordable credit to sustain and expand their operations, and any significant increase in borrowing costs can have a detrimental impact on their ability to thrive.

Economic Outlook and Potential Downturn

Despite the perception of a recession among some small business owners, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that the US economy may avoid a long-anticipated downturn. Recent indicators, such as strong retail sales and upward revisions of third-quarter gross domestic product growth, point towards continued economic strength. While economic uncertainties remain, small businesses should take into account the positive indicators and maintain a cautious yet optimistic approach.


The belief that the US is currently in a recession among more than half of small business owners is at odds with indicators of economic strength and the positive financial conditions reported by these businesses. While concerns about the banking sector and borrowing costs persist, small businesses continue to demonstrate resilience and adaptability. It is crucial for small business owners to stay informed about the broader economic outlook, consider the local economic environment, and make strategic decisions to navigate through any challenges they may face. By leveraging their strengths and maintaining a proactive approach, small businesses can continue to thrive and contribute to the overall economic growth of the nation.

See first source: Reuters


1. What does the recent survey by the National Federation of Independent Business reveal?

The survey shows that 52% of small business owners believe the US economy is already in a recession, despite positive economic indicators and the financial health of small businesses.

2. How does this perception compare to previous survey results?

This perception has decreased slightly from the 55% reported in April, suggesting a persistent belief in a recession among small business owners.

3. Do the survey results align with actual economic indicators?

No, the perception of a recession does not align with positive economic indicators such as robust retail sales, rising spending on services, and the strong financial condition reported by many small businesses.

4. What is the sentiment of small businesses regarding their own financial conditions?

Despite concerns about the economy, over two-thirds of firms rate their financial state as “excellent” or “good,” indicating a positive sentiment about their own financial conditions.

5. How do small businesses view their local economic outlook?

Approximately 80% of firms reported that their local economy was at least “okay,” suggesting a relatively healthy local economic environment.

6. How have small business owners’ views on the banking sector changed?

Recent survey results show increased optimism about the banking sector, with over half of owners expressing no concern at all, indicating a recovery in confidence within the sector.

7. What has been a significant concern for small businesses due to Federal Reserve policies?

Small businesses are concerned about the increased cost of borrowing resulting from the Federal Reserve’s tightening policies, which have led to higher borrowing costs.

8. How has borrowing cost affected small businesses?

Increased borrowing costs have been identified as a major concern for firms that have borrowed or attempted to borrow since April, impacting their ability to sustain and expand operations.

9. What do recent indicators suggest about the US economy?

Strong retail sales and upward revisions of third-quarter GDP growth point towards continued economic strength, suggesting that the US economy may avoid a prolonged downturn.

10. How should small businesses approach the economic outlook?

While maintaining a cautious outlook, small businesses should consider positive indicators and local economic conditions. Staying informed and making strategic decisions are crucial to navigating challenges successfully.

Featured Image Credit: Kenny Eliason; Unsplash; Thank you!

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Becca Williams is a writer, editor, and small business owner. She writes a column for and many more major media outlets.