
Itai Elizur

Itai Elizur is the COO at Inbound Junction, a content marketing agency specializing in helping startups and business increase their online visibility. Prior to joining the Inbound Junction team, Itai worked as a Creative Manager at, and as the Director of Marketing at Infolinks, the 3rd largest website network in the world.
53 Articles

Why Small Business Owners Need Business Consultants Now More than Ever

Interestingly enough, some small business think that they can still dominate their

Itai Elizur Itai Elizur

How To Amp Up Your SMB’s Performance and Productivity

  If you’re the owner of an SMB, you’re used to wearing

Itai Elizur Itai Elizur

7 Ways To Use Email Signatures As Sneaky Call to Actions

On average, each office worker receives 121 emails a day, and Radicati

Itai Elizur Itai Elizur

The 4 Methods Of Selling Your Content Online

There are four different ways to sell content online. You’d think that

Itai Elizur Itai Elizur

How Smart Data Can Help eCommerce Merchants Save Money Over the Holidays

The holiday season is accompanied with intense stress despite ecommerce sales continuing

Itai Elizur Itai Elizur

Happy Staff: The Foundation Of Excellence For Any Businesses

Imagine building an Information Technology business renowned for excellence. Free advertising due to

Itai Elizur Itai Elizur

How Big Data’s Maturity Enables Informed Marketing Decisions

The potential for big data to help small businesses is becoming increasingly

Itai Elizur Itai Elizur

7 Content Distribution Methods That Boost Web Traffic

Most marketers view content marketing as the key to gaining more traffic

Itai Elizur Itai Elizur

15 Top Online Influencers You’ll Want to Start Following Today

Want to stay as competitive as possible in your marketing efforts? Of

Itai Elizur Itai Elizur