
10 Ways Microsoft Office 365 Can Help Streamline Your Business

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20160420_Aldridge_0023Microsoft’s Office 365 suite is eliciting quite the buzz from enterprises and small businesses alike. Companies are becoming increasingly more comfortable with the idea of using a cloud service and are intrigued by the software’s ability to increase business productivity at a flexible cost. Four out of five Fortune 500 companies use Office 365’s services, and this trend extending to small and medium sized businesses as well. In Microsoft’s 2015 Annual Report, the company claimed more than 50,000 small businesses subscribed to Office 365 every month for the 22 months preceding the survey. As more businesses begin to implement the service into their everyday operations, it’s important they understand the unique features included in the suite and how to utilize these tools to suite their specific business needs.

With so many businesses using Office 365, it is important for business owners to understand all aspects of the service to get the best result.  Here are 10 ways Office 365 can help business streamline their operations and meet their projected goals.

Coediting documents

Within Office 365, users can simultaneously coedit documents via SharePoint, with a sharepoint migration system. SharePoint functions as an intranet site where an organization’s important information and files can be stored in a single, secure location. Users can share links to files with other members of the company and view any changes being made in real time. Additionally, with a sharepoint dashboard individuals can restore previous versions of documents and compare these versions throughout the editing process.

I’ve asked Jamison West, President and Founder of Arterian to share how you can get more out of Office 365. Arterian is a technology solutions provider, specialized in cloud solutions.

Essentially, Office 365 users have access to an archived collaboration platform that avoids the communication silos likely to occur when employees are forced to email documents across the office.

OneDrive for Business and sharing documents

OneDrive for Business enables users to store, access, and share documents on any device with an available internet connection. The feature is integrated within the whole of Office 365, so when a user makes changes to a file, the changes are saved across all applications and devices. Administrators can set access and editing permissions that reflect the structure of the organization and ensure the business adheres to any compliance standards for which it may be responsible.

OneDrive for business also permits organizations to securely share documents with clients, vendors, and partners outside of the company, specifying whether a guest can view, or view and edit, the shared document.

SharePoint Calendars

Businesses can centrally host information regarding company deadlines and events using the SharePoint calendar. This feature mirrors an office’s whiteboard or paper calendar that would be displayed in a communal area. Anyone within the organization is able to view the calendar, which makes it easier to keep track of important dates on a company-wide scale. Like Outlook, SharePoint calendar allows users to schedule single or recurring events. Users can easily add their SharePoint calendars to their Outlook and can overlay Outlook calendars with SharePoint calendars to allow them to see all of their events at once.

SharePoint Notebook

SharePoint teams can create Notebooks specific to their roles within the organization. Shared notebooks can be used to brainstorm projects, aggregate materials and files, record and distribute meeting minutes, and list tasks to be completed. Like the coediting document feature, users can set access and editing permissions, restore older versions of the notes, and coedit pages as if they were in the same room.

This centralized notetaking enables employees and departments to easily collaborate and share information in one place.


Planner acts as a virtual project manager.

The application is displayed on an easy-to-use interface where teams can cooperate, share documents, assign tasks, and coordinate projects. Assigned tasks are represented by “Cards” and each card can include specified due dates, attached files, and corresponding conversations and categories. The Planner “Hub” records and displays the progress of individuals and teams using real-time data analytics.


Delve is a feature of Office 365 that develops a collective display of documents most relevant to users at a specific day and time. The application consolidates data from across the Office 365 platform and uses this information to predict the what resources a user needs and when. Delve allows users to readily access the most popular documents being edited within the organization, as well as develops a home page of relevant information specific to the individual’s role and needs.

If an employee has a client meeting scheduled in their Outlook calendar, Delve will pull any associated documents onto the user’s home page before it begins.

Power BI

Microsoft’s Power BI is a cloud-hosted business analytics service that compiles all of a company’s data into single interface and displays this information on live dashboards that can be tailored to the visual needs of the business. The feature creates insightful visuals using combo and funnel charts, fill and tree maps, gages, and additional data representations that empower organizations to make more informed business decisions.

Power BI works with a variety of storage options, whether the data is hosted on premises, in the cloud, or a combination of both. The feature can be used on almost any device, and its live dashboards can be shared both within and outside the company. Visuals can also be embedded within a company’s blog or website to enhance the presentation and appeal of the organization’s content.

Skype for Business meeting capabilities

Office 365’s Skype for Business can be a valuable asset for any business looking to improve its communication and collaboration capabilities. The application supports instant messaging, voice calling, and video chat on any internet-capable device. Users can continue to communicate uninterrupted while coediting documents, sharing screens, hosting presentations, switching devices, and more.

Skype for Business supports seamless communication throughout all of the Office 365 applications and across a variety of devices.

Easy conference calling

Hosting conference calls is simple using Office 365’s Skype for Business. Users can check the availability status of the people they want to contact, select participants, and begin a conference call all within the application’s user-friendly interface. If another person needs to be added to the call, users can simply drag the person’s name from their contact list directly into the meeting. The application is suitable for both small and large businesses. Users can hold conference calls with up to 250 people and can broadcast a meeting for up to 10,000 participants at once.

Single sign on across several services

Office 365 uses a software component developed by Microsoft that provides users with single sign-on access to numerous online applications during the duration of a session. This feature eliminates the needs for a user to enter their credentials for every application. Single sign-on includes the Box, Citrix, Citrix GoToMeeting, SalesForce, Google Apps, Office 365, and more. Once a member is logged in, they can easily switch between any application until their online session expires.

Correctly understanding these unique features found in Office 365 tools will enable a seamless workflow. However, business owners should take the time to properly assess their employees and company’s needs to determine which Office 365 tools are the best fit.

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Ramon Ray, founder and editor Smart Hustle Magazine. Entrepreneur, best selling author and global keynote speaker.