UNH Student Develops Community-focused College Connector Platform

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"College Connector Platform"

University of New Hampshire (UNH) student Brett Schultz is leading the development of a novel social media and e-commerce platform named the College Connector. This platform is designed to address the social, emotional, and financial challenges experienced by students, and is set to launch in the autumn of 2024.

Recent studies point towards a rising loneliness crisis among young adults aged 19-29, primarily due to leaving family and the impact of COVID-19. Schultz argues that this isolation is further exacerbated among students because of limited social engagement opportunities.

The College Connector aims to build a stronger sense of community within universities. It provides a space for students to interact, join groups, and engage with one another. The platform will also promote campus clubs and organizations, facilitate academic collaborations, provide volunteer opportunities, internships, and an events calendar.

The platform additionally includes a peer-to-peer marketplace. This unique feature allows students to sell items like textbooks and furniture, thus helping them alleviate some of the financial burdens associated with tertiary education. By enabling the repurposing of items, this initiative also contributes to a more sustainable environment.

Schultz is committed to having the College Connector operational within the UNH community by the start of the 2024 academic year. To achieve this, he is personally funding the recruitment of additional developers to ensure optimal platform performance.

Schultz also envisions the College Connector being adopted by other universities. To begin groundwork for this expansion, he is forming a team of student volunteers from various colleges to manage individual pages on the platform. This innovative approach embodies Schultz’s commitment to bridging gaps between university communities.

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