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Editorial Editorial team. Striving to publish news, insights, and interviews focused on technology and more for growing businesses!
436 Articles

Artemis Fund Acquires $36M to Aid Underrepresented Founders

The Artemis Fund, a venture capital institution, has successfully closed its second

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Digital Currencies Surge, Bitcoin Crosses $70,000 Mark

The digital currency market is experiencing significant growth, with Bitcoin reaching a

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San Francisco Entrepreneur Fights Petty Thefts with Social Media

In response to the rising trend of petty thefts in San Francisco,

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UNH Student Develops Community-focused College Connector Platform

University of New Hampshire (UNH) student Brett Schultz is leading the development

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Rewind AI Uses Unique Strategy to Attract Committed Investors

Rewind AI utilizes an innovative approach to attract highly committed investors, by

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Meta Complies with EU’s DMA, Plans App Integration

Meta is working towards complying with the EU's Digital Markets Act (DMA),

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SEC Proposes Mandatory Climate Disclosure for Businesses

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is set to vote on a

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Dave Ramsey Highlights Common Financial Struggles, Solutions

Dave Ramsey, a respected personal finance expert and radio personality, has highlighted

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South Shore Entrepreneurs Boost Community with $40M Project

Five African American entrepreneurs in Chicago's South Shore district are reimagining their

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Byju’s Edtech Sees $20 Billion Valuation Dip Amid Scrutiny

India's foremost edtech company, Byju's, has seen a shocking decrease in its

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