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Editorial Editorial team. Striving to publish news, insights, and interviews focused on technology and more for growing businesses!
436 Articles

Seattle startup raises $6.7M to optimize AI costs

A Seattle-based startup recently raised $6.7 million in its seed funding round.

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Apple plans budget-friendly AirPods and upgraded Max models for 2024

According to industry reports, Apple intends to release a more cost-efficient variant

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Digital tipping surges in the service industry

With an increasing reliance on digital payment methods, particularly as a result

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Apple users targeted in relentless password scam

Apple product owners are reportedly being targeted by a multifaceted scam, which

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Coinbase battles lawsuit amid trading challenges

Coinbase Global Inc., a prominent cryptocurrency exchange, is facing significant challenges hindering

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Garry Tan raises $2 billion for Y Combinator’s tiered investment strategy

Garry Tan, head of Y Combinator, is reportedly raising $2 billion in

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Vivo enters foldable phone market with new releases

Vivo is stepping into the foldable phone market with its latest releases,

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RealSage secures $4M for proptech expansion

RealSage, a prominent proptech firm, recently disclosed that they've secured $4 million

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Americans Prefer Pensions Over 401(k) Plans, Study Finds

Recent studies show that a significant number of American citizens favor traditional

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Tech giants unite against apple’s app store policies

Top Tech Companies Challenge Apple's App Store Policies Several high-profile technology companies

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